Monday, June 6, 2011


The Assignment: In this assignment, I had to take portraits of my cousins.  I felt that this was a little harder because you must take all the lighting into effect.  There cannot be any shadows in the pictures which makes it much more hard for the photographer.  I didn't expect this to be as challenging as it was.  Luckily I had some good talent to work with.  My cousins were very easy to work with and they had fun doing it as well as I did.

Shutter Speed: 1/1000
ISO: 1600
Aperture: 5.6

Friday, June 3, 2011

Visual Puns

The Assignment: In this GIMP assignment, we were instructed to make visual puns.  I liked this assignment quite a bit because I could use my imagination and personality to work out a visual pun.  This assignment certainly was not the hardest but was one of the most enjoyable.  It was a fun and creative way to learn how to do things on GIMP and in the photography world.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Light Painting

The Assignment: In this assignment, I took light painting pictures.  I liked this style because it allowed me to use a longer shutter speed and be creative with the picture.  I could try and try again until I found something cool.  Sometimes, I would see the picture and immediately think of something else that I could do.  This was by far my favorite style of picture so far because of the creativity and the way that you can use your personality in the pictures.

Shutter Speed: 5 seconds
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: 400

Monday, May 23, 2011


The Assignment: In this assignment, I had to take pictures of an event.  I chose this week to do it because prom was going on and what better event to take pictures of than senior prom.  This was an easy thing to shoot because everyone was themselves and there were no fake smiles.  That is what it a photographers best friend.  All participants let their guard down and were comfortable.  I felt that I got a lot of good pictures and I chose this one because it was just the guys and they are all so close and great friends for each other.

Shutter Speed: 1/200
ISO: 400
Aperture: 8


Monday, May 16, 2011

Still Life

The Assignment:  In this assignment, I took pictures of still life.  The thing that I most liked about this style was the fact that it took a lot of time and effort into setting up the picture.  In an action picture, you don't have time to setup the picture and all of the settings are preset.  With still life,  it took time to get the right angle, the right lighting, and the right exposure.  This was fun to do and it took a lot of thinking and time management.

Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: 7.1
ISO: 1600

Friday, May 13, 2011


The Assignment:  In this assignment, I was instructed to take a picture and edit an object or person into the picture that would not usually be there.  Since I am an athlete, I took a picture of the gym and added LeBron James and Mo Williams to the picture.  I felt that this wasn't a very hard thing to do but before doing it, I thought it would be a very hard task.  Also, I had a little fun with it.  I enjoyed finding the pictures and editing them into the picture and see how they fit into it.  Overall, it was a fun assignment and it could be challenging but I only did two athletes, not a lot.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Motion Demo

The Assignment: In this assignment, as a class, we had to take motion blur photo's of our teacher, Mr. Bush.  The hardest part about this was getting the lighting correct.  I finally got a great photo just before our time was up.  I felt that this was a fairly fun assignment because we got to go outside and take action pictures.