Monday, April 25, 2011


The Assignment: During this assignment, I was instructed to take pictures of animals and how they act throughout the day.  I got a variety of views from a dog that wasn't even mine.  It was very convenient that my family and I were able to dog sit through this past week.  While the dog was with us, I was able to get pictures of her in the bath, fresh out of the bath, resting, playing, etc.  What I learned during this assignment was how patient a photographer must be to get good pictures.  I had a little trouble in that field and got a little frustrated.  I overcame it though and got a couple good pictures.

ISO: 400
Shutter Speed: 1/6
Aperture: 7.1

Top Ten Animal Pictures

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gimp Assignment

This assignment taught me how to use GIMP.  I believe that this helped me quite a bit because it was a good leadoff activity to this program.  It taught me well and I imagine myself using this program a lot over the next trimester.  In this, I learned how GIMP works and that is a good way to start off these future assignments.  Not only GIMP itself, but other editing programs as well which is a big part of photography.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Composition Assignment

The Assignment: As a class, we learned eleven different techniques to not only look at a photo, but take one as well.  Coming into the class, I had very little experience with a camera and this assignment brought photography to my attention.  When I was signing up for the class, I thought that this would be an easy "A" and I would be able to blow off some steam that I built up throughout the day.  Boy, was I wrong.  This assignment was a wake-up call for me in this class.  The assignment taught me about different ways to shoot pictures.  I had no clue that there were different techniques to taking pictures and now I realize how tough and frustrating it can get when all the materials you need aren't cooperating with you.

Photo Descriptions:
Depth of View: "Shoes in the grass"
Symmetry: "Hallway with lockers"
Lines: "The commons at lunch"
Rule of Thirds: "Two men in classroom"
Texture: "Wall with humps"
Pattern: "Track"
Balance: "Ball on basketball court"
Framing: "Man in Railing"
Color: "Picture in hallway"
Perspective: "Staircase from the top"
Space: "Object on table"