Monday, June 6, 2011


The Assignment: In this assignment, I had to take portraits of my cousins.  I felt that this was a little harder because you must take all the lighting into effect.  There cannot be any shadows in the pictures which makes it much more hard for the photographer.  I didn't expect this to be as challenging as it was.  Luckily I had some good talent to work with.  My cousins were very easy to work with and they had fun doing it as well as I did.

Shutter Speed: 1/1000
ISO: 1600
Aperture: 5.6

Friday, June 3, 2011

Visual Puns

The Assignment: In this GIMP assignment, we were instructed to make visual puns.  I liked this assignment quite a bit because I could use my imagination and personality to work out a visual pun.  This assignment certainly was not the hardest but was one of the most enjoyable.  It was a fun and creative way to learn how to do things on GIMP and in the photography world.